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Text File | 1999-03-12 | 13.7 KB | 334 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- Querkz -Read Me-, version 1.5.0
- Querkz © 1999 Adam Winiecki. All rights reserved worldwide.
- _______________________________________________________________
- Querkz 1.5.0, released on 3/12/99 by Adam Winiecki.
- _______________________________________________________________
- What is Querkz?
- Querkz is a fast-paced, coordination intensive,
- extremely animated 3D falling objects game.
- Line up the blocks in four in a row by switching
- them around with the paddles.
- _______________________________________________________________
- Support:
- If you have any questions or comments, they can be answered by:
- EMail: adamw@kagi.com
- WWW: http://www.pacifier.com/~winiecki/
- Snail-Mail: Judah Software
- 16810 N.E. 40th Ave.
- Vancouver, WA 98686
- _______________________________________________________________
- Requirements:
- To run Querkz, you must have a PowerMac with 7000k of free RAM, a
- 13" or larger monitor, running in 8-bit or 16-bit color.
- _______________________________________________________________
- Table of Contents:
- Chapter 1: Registration Information
- Chapter 2: Querkz Instructions
- Chapter 3: Fast animation with Querkz
- Chapter 4: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Chapter 5: Querkz License
- Chapter 6: Product Disclaimer
- Chapter 7: User Feedback Questionairre
- Chapter 8: More Judah Software products
- _______________________________________________________________
- Chapter 1: Registration Information
- Registration is $15.00 U.S (but you can register with foreign currency).
- If you like Querkz and play it a lot, you should Register it.
- If you Register Querkz, Judah Software will send you a code which lets you:
- - Play unlimited levels of Querkz
- - See your name listed as the registered owner of your copy of Querkz
- - Feel good about yourself for supporting the shareware concept
- - Encourage Judah Software to write more software with blazing, colorful THREE DEE graphics
- To Register Querkz:
- (Use Kagi's Register program with your Credit Card,
- Cash, Check, or Foreign Currency)
- Use the accompanying Register program.
- This program produces either email-ready
- text or printed order forms which you send
- to the Kagi shareware registration service.
- Kagi lets you pay by check, cash, credit card
- or in foreign currency (but not with checks
- made out in non-U.S. currency). When Kagi
- receives your payment, they will notify Judah
- Software, and we will send you your registration
- code and information. See the accompanying
- Register -Read Me- file if you need more
- information.
- Group purchase discounts for Querkz:
- 1-4 copies: $15 each.
- 5-9 copies: $12 each.
- 10+ copies: $8 each.
- _______________________________________________________________
- Chapter 2: Querkz Instructions
- The goal in Querkz is to reach 100% damage by clearing
- pieces from the board. You can clear them from the
- board by aligning similar pieces until there are four in a
- row, either horizontally, diagonally, or vertically.
- Position the white paddles with the mouse or keyboard,
- and Click the mouse button or hit the space bar to switch
- the two pieces inbetween the white paddles. Use the
- command key to instantly disintegrate unwanted pieces
- (you have a limited amount of disintegrators, as shown
- by the status bar).
- When you see a fast-spinning piece fall down, be sure to
- get rid of it as soon as possible. If you don't, the board
- will spin a 360 degrees.
- [Q] What is that spinning guy who says "What really gives me a hairball?"
- [A] That was the CloudzRodent from Cloudz. He crept into the
- game to help you out (he has a knack for knocking things around).
- •This tip is the most important- don't waste your time with
- lining up four pieces, unless you are in danger of losing and
- need to quickly clear out blocks. Instead, go for five, six,
- seven, or more pieces in a row. While some can readily
- achieve seven in a row, others have been able to achieve
- fourteen in a row with one switch of the mouse button.
- This will cause a lot of damage and insure that you get a
- high score.
- •Spend time scanning the board before you commit to
- moving pieces around. It could be that there is a lineup
- already in place somewhere and you only need to move
- one piece to get four in a row.
- _______________________________________________________________
- Chapter 3: Fast animation with Querkz
- (users with iMacs and G3 Macs can skip this chapter).
- Querkz boasts one of the fastest 3D renderers available,
- configurable to even 736x736 pixels! (thanks to Antennahead
- Industries Inc.) Nevertheless there are ways to get lousy
- animation, which is what this chapter will help you to avoid.
- First off, running in 16-bit color is not recommended. This
- will decrease performance greatly on your Mac.
- In your Querkz menu bar, you have the Playing Field
- and Rendering Options menus. Setting the Playing Field
- to a low number will ensure that the animation is smoother.
- Also, setting the rendering to Hi-Res alternate lines will almost
- double the responsiveness of your game paddles (enabling you
- to get a much higher score).
- _______________________________________________________________
- Chapter 4: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- [Q] Does Querkz take advantage of 3D video cards or other acceleration?
- [A] Screaming Cabala 2 doesn't benefit in any way from video cards. However,
- Querkz runs very well on almost any Mac made in the last two years. So do
- yourself and Apple a favor and buy an iMac!
- [Q] Why does Querkz ignore some of my mouse clicks?
- [A] If you have a Macintosh made more than two years
- ago, the frame rate might not be the best for Querkz.
- For your computer, unfortunately, when Querkz is
- rendering it's graphics, it loses the ability to acknowledge
- mouse clicks at times. Setting your renderer to "Hi-Res Alternate lines"
- instead of "High Resolution", decreasing the Playing Size, and setting
- your monitor to 8-bit color will give you a much better chance to have
- your mouse clicks noticed.
- [Q] What is that spinning guy who says "What really gives me a hairball?"
- [A] That was the CloudzRodent from Cloudz. He crept into the
- game to help you out (he has a knack for knocking things around).
- [Q] What did you use to make Querkz?
- [A] Programming was done with CodeWarrior Gold 11, and using Antennahead's
- amazing 3D library, Screaming Cabala 2.
- Resource Editing was done with ResEdit.
- Graphics were created with Photoshop and various combinations of filters.
- (check out our art gallery to see even more stunning graphics!).
- Sounds were created and edited with SoundEffects & SoundEdit 1.0 (made in 1989- Whoohoo!).
- Music was made with Propellerhead's Re-Birth 330 techno module. It rocks!
- [Q] Is it easy to make 3D games?
- [A] Making 3D games can become much much harder than making 2D games. This all
- depends on what kind of tools you have to work with. All in all, making games with
- Screaming Cabala's 3D renderer has been easier than any other game I've tried to make.
- It takes a lot of time and experience to get used to working with it, though.
- [Q] How do I make my own games?
- [A] Be sure to focus on making a game which is within your ability. Start by taking a
- programming class, and work from there, or try a book on game programming. I would
- recommend Tricks of the Mac game programming gurus, by McCormack, Celestin,
- Ragnemalm, et al. If you have internet access, I highly recommend that you search for
- source code and web sites, and post your problems/questions to the correct programming
- newsgroups. There are many people out there whom can give you excellent help with
- any game you are trying to program.
- [Q] What games does Judah Software plan to make in the future?
- [A] Check out our web pages for the latest information on future Judah Software games.
- The Judah Software web pages are listed at the beginning of this read-me file.
- _______________________________________________________________
- Chapter 5: Querkz License
- Unless explicitly stated in writing, Judah Software does not grant permission to
- distribute the software for profit in any form, including but not limited to, electronic
- information service distribution, bulletin board distribution, and magnetic or optical
- medium distribution. Non-profit distribution of the software is acceptable without
- prior written notice, providing that the software is not modified in any way, and the
- original files are included: "Querkz", "Querkz -Read Me-", "Graphics", "Sounds", "Register",
- and "HowToOrder". If your organization would like to distribute unregistered
- copies of Querkz for a profit, please send email to adamw@kagi.com .
- _______________________________________________________________
- Chapter 6: Product Disclaimer
- Judah Software is not responsible for any damage to the purchaser's computer
- system or data and in no event will Judah Software or its owners, employees, agents,
- or representatives be responsible to the purchaser for any consequential, incidental,
- or indirect damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business
- interruption, loss of business information and the like) arising out of the use or
- inability to use the Judah Software product, even if Judah Software has been advised
- of the possibility of such damages. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or
- limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations
- may not apply to you.
- _______________________________________________________________
- Chapter 7: User Feedback Questionairre
- We at Judah Software are concerned with how you, the user,
- find Querkz to work on your Mac. We are continually striving
- to make products which help the Macintosh gaming community,
- and we can best serve each other through this feedback process.
- If you would like to see improvements to Querkz in the future,
- and/or encourage Judah Software to keep making top quality games
- for the Macintosh, if you find an error, bug, or other problem with
- Querkz, or, if you would just simply like to do us a favor, please
- fill out these questions and email them to <adamw@kagi.com>
- 1. Your opinion of the overall gaming experience with Querkz:
- 2. Did you find any aspects of Querkz confusing?
- 3. How do you like the Querkz interface?
- 4. Did you find any problems? Bugs? Please explain:
- 5. Your Model of Macintosh (long live PowerMac!):
- 6. System Software Version Number (Buy Mac OS 8 now!):
- _______________________________________________________________
- Chapter 8: More Judah Software Products
- (as of 3/6/99)
- _______________________________________________________________
- Cloudz (current version: 1.0.9)
- Price: $25.00
- Requires: Any PowerMac, a 13" or larger Monitor, System 7.
- Cloudz is a hyperactive game, set far above in the sky. Experience a
- world where gravity is biased, and things aren't quite normal.
- In this element so far off the ground you will learn agility at its finest.
- Fly through a dimension of the sky full of thrills never before seen,
- while Cloudz blasts you with it's awesome soundtrack.
- _______________________________________________________________
- Grizzly (current version: 1.3.1)
- Price: $15.00
- Requires: Any 030 Mac or greater, a 13" or larger Monitor, System 7.
- Choose from four characters to slug it out in this wild
- action game! Rated five mice by MacUser 1996, this game is a must-see!
- Grizzly features 3d-rendered backgrounds and characters, animations and
- special-moves galore!
- _______________________________________________________________
- Pizazz (current version: 1.0.0)
- Price: $15.00
- Requires: Any Color Macintosh with a 13" or larger Monitor.
- Pizazz is a game in a category of its own, in any game
- market. As scrambled quotes from the New King James Bible move up the screen,
- you switch letters around to unscramble words. When you form a correct sentence,
- the line is deactivated and you proceed to the next line. Pizazz moves quickly and
- effortlessly, in a style similar to a tetris game. You will be challenged in your skills
- of quick thinking and coordination, as well as grammar and spelling, while improving
- your knowledge of the bible at the same time. So, you've improved your grammar
- and spelling? How about your typing ability? Pizazz also includes a typing game,
- built on the Pizazz framework.
- _______________________________________________________________
- WebPatterns 2 (current version: 2.0.0)
- Price: $20.00
- Requires: Any Color Macintosh, Gif viewing software or ResEdit 2.1.
- Web Patterns, the Desktop Patterns and Web Page enhancer.
- Are you looking for some fancy background patterns for your web pages,
- but worried about file size? Then WebPatterns is for you! WebPatterns
- is a collection of 250 royalty-free patterns which can do the job, each in
- Gif format. View the patterns with the included program, WPViewer,
- which can quickly show how each pattern would look on a large screen,
- with text and the works. Each pattern has been crafted with care, and
- takes up only 4k (4000 bytes)! The WebPattern style was used to
- create the backgrounds for Ophiuchus and Pizazz. More examples are
- available at:
- http://www.pacifier.com/~winiecki/WebPatterns.html
- _______________________________________________________________
- Ophiuchus (current version: 1.1.0)
- Price: $20.00
- Requires: PowerMac or 040 Macintosh, 13" Monitor or greater, 8-bit color.
- 3800k of Free RAM, 3800k of free Hard Disk space.
- Ophiuchus is a high-action game based in a dynamic lunar environment.
- Your maneuvering abilities will be taken to the limit as you avoid heavy
- rapid fire, guided missiles, and dozens of enemy bases. As you journey
- down perilous lunar canyons you will be challenged to make use of each
- of your special weapons and gadgets- decoys, cloaking devices, and other
- such devices of deception.
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________
- End of Querkz -Read Me- file